About Us
COMBINOR is an investment company with a base of long term holdings in publicly listed companies traded on stock exchanges or in OTC markets. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of NORDIA. We look for investments in companies world wide, however currently hold positions mainly in companies listed in the US and Northern Europe.
In a minor addition some shorter term derivative trading is also part of our business. We were for a longer period of time considering increasing this part of the business, thus NOBO was founded in 2019 to take this into action. We are however still looking for additional investment partners to take this even further. NOBO mainly writes contracts with low probabilities for assignment, in great companies we else would like to increase investments in at substantially lower prices. Our derivative trading is in no way based upon speculation, and the purpose is to use options as a strategic investment and to generate additional portfolio income over the long term.
Business Partners
During the first half of 2021 NORDIA has formed a group of entities, and as of June 8th, COMBINOR was incorporated into this group as a subsidiary of Nordia. The group now consists of parent company NORDIA and so far two subsidiaries, in which makes DOKUMENTSERVICE our sister company. NORDIA is also about to become the largest shareholder of NOBO.
Feel free to visit the website of Nobo or Dokumentservice.